Journey to the AI garden
Journey to the IU Garden.

in front of the main entrance of PH Bohnice
We invite you together with the garden architect Soňa Malá for a walk around the site of the future garden of the IA.
In 2024, we are changing our operations and moving to a physical space, which we are calling the garden of he IA for now, and which will be located on the grounds of the Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital in Prague 8.
We would like to invite you to the first joint walk around the site of the future IA’s garden together with the landscape architect Soňa Malá. Together we will map the local environment and reflect on both the elements that should not be missing in the garden and the flora that should take root in there.
We will meet together at 13:45 inside the premises behind the main entrance to Psychiatrich Hospital Bohnice. Or you can join us anytime between 2:00pm – 4:00pm right on the grounds between the gardens and pavilion 12, not far from the sociotherapy farm (at the back of the PH Bohnice campus).
In case of cold weather we will warm up with mulled wine and juice.
What is the IU Garden?
The garden is open to everyone without distinction: to the staff of the therapeutic hospital, but also to those who do not normally have the opportunity to “put their hands in the dirt”, to those who miss collective activities and interdisciplinary meetings, and to those who are interested in how to combine garden care with performative, educational and research formats. The garden we aim for will be healing, without using dampening pharmacological means. It will also be a space where trauma and anxiety can be talked about and possible solutions sought together.
Soňa Malá is a garden and landscape architect at Meze Studio (the name of her own studio) and a facilitator at NaZemi. As a landscape architect, she works on adaptation strategies for municipalities and designs nature-friendly and permaculture gardens for houses. As a facilitator at NaZemi (but also freelance), she is a trainer focused on communication and decision-making processes – she prepares content and facilitates groups in decision-making processes, participatory processes and strategic planning, and has long facilitated participatory workshops with residents on socially and environmentally sustainable participatory living.
If you have questions about the event send us an email:
Graphics (c) Marie Tučková
Photodocumentation (c) Karolína Matušková
Realized with the financial support of the City of Prague and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.