Animals That Care
A workshop devoted to animals used in therapy such as guide dogs, or those designated as household pets.
Centre for seniors, Elpida – Centre for seniors (Prague 7)
A workshop devoted to animals
Children and their friends are invited to attend a workshop devoted to animals used in therapy such as guide dogs, or those designated as household pets. We will talk together with their owners, as well as those who have had to abandon their four-legged friends because their new abode (hospital or senior citizens’ home) did not enable them to stay together. Through the medium of painting and drawing, we’ll attempt to illustrate the relationship between humans and animals, which is unequal and complicated as well as intense and emotional, and in our drawings and paintings we shall try to overturn the established hierarchies. We’ll open up the theme of care for others, which is primarily regarded as a human capacity, and focus on how both we humans and animals can benefit each other.
The workshop is taking place within the framework of the series Žijí mimo svá jména (Living Outside Their Names), a cycle of public events: workshops, discussions, performances, which are aimed at acquainting children with the world of animals, plants, fungi and other non-human inhabitants of our world, and reflecting together upon more meaningful and sensitive possibilities for our coexistences.
The workshop is suitable for children aged 5 years and over. Admission is free of charge.
The workshop is prepared by: Denisa Langrová, Tereza Porybná, Karolína Matuškov,Eva Jiřička together with clients from Elpida: Centre for Senior, Anna Stella, coordinator of Pastiva z.s. and Ivan Benda, a foster dog trainer
Photoreport (c) Karolína Matušková
The project Žijí mimo svá jména is supported by: the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Prague City Hall and Prague 7 City District Municipality