AI & FUTUROPOLIS: Summer School of Critical Pedagogy (2nd Year)

This year’s summer school is dedicated to the core of critical pedagogy.

15.08.2023 —18.08.2023

Together we wish to create a critical pedagogy; to link current topics and learners’ experiences into teaching and to develop democratic approaches (not only) in schools. We wish the school to become a place to meet and think together about the current shape of schools, education and possibilities for change.

The summer school is organised by the Futuropolis project, which brings together the teams of the Institute of Anxiety and NaZemi.

This year’s summer school is dedicated to the core of critical pedagogy and our (shared) experience of critical pedagogy. We look forward to approaches, inspiration and experiences from the Paul Freire Institute in Berlin. In this way, we want to deepen our common understanding as well as to search for possible forms of critical pedagogy through shared experience. We also wish to continue to create and strengthen a network of critical educators, so that the summer school will also serve to find common missions and visions.

The summer school is hled in Czech language only.