2nd meeting of the children’s editorial board KRUNÝŘ-SHELL: Workshop for children

Do you want to participate in the 2nd issue of the children’s workbook Krunýř (the Shell)?

18.06.2023 13:00 —16:00
Kafkárna, Centrum pro umění a ekologii / UMPRUM, Buštěhradská 2, 160 00, Praha 6

Here we go again: the Kafkárna Garden and the Krunýř team are once again convening the children’s editors to explore and create together.

We are once again calling the children’s editors to explore and create together. Before you head off for the holidays, come explore with us the stories of the garden and its inhabitants (animals, plants, fungi, sculptures and things) who together form a cohesive organism that communicates with each other. This time, we’ll be tuning in with Maria Tučková, visual artist and illustrator of the next issue of Krunýř.

Marie Tučková aka Ursula Uwe works in the media of text, video, drawing, songwriting, live performance and installation. Marie’s work explores the politics of listening, the hierarchy of voices, polyphony, various forms of collaboration and the overlapping of political and poetic language. Her work draws attention to the connections between the exploitation of nature and
women’s and queer bodies. Her work is based on long-term research, collaboration, and improvisation as an endless test (Wilson Harris).

KRUNÝŘ (the Shell) is a workbook for children’s readers, aimed at deepening interspecies relationships, developing imagination and empathy and a non-binary vision of the world. It presents a series of stories, activities, scenarios that activate the body and mind, motivating creativity and the desire to actively change the world around them. Its sections include activities that develop the senses, becoming someone or something else temporarily, practical guides, imaginative scenarios, news from the Forest, interviews conducted by the Břevnov Express children’s group of reporters, itineraries for research walks, advice on how to care for others, be they people, animals, plants, and more.

Handouts and refreshments will be on site.

Free to attend.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Organized by the Institute of Anxiety in collaboration with the Center for Art and Ecology at UMPRUM.

The project Centre for Art and Ecology UMPRUM has received support from the EEA Grants 2014-2021 under the Culture Programme. The project is supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Funds.

The event is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the City of Prague.