Suburban camp for children Garden as a world, world as a garden

We cordially invite you to participate in a suburban camp.

17.07.2023 —21.07.2023
Kafkárna; Buštěhradská 5, Praha 6 - Střešovice

We cordially invite you to participate in a suburban camp where we will explore the garden of Kafka’s studio in Prague 6 – Dejvice and create a report about it.

The garden hides different stories, layers and secrets. To unravel them we need to dream by night and by day, to enter into communication with the animals, plants, mushrooms, statues and other inhabitants of the garden who can become our allies, offering help or care to those in need. In return, the garden will allow us to temporarily become someone else and/or, conversely, ourselves, and to function with names and identities that suit us. 

During the camp, we will bring to life a weather station that measures the emotional temperature of the city and those who live there. Each day, the garden will leave clues and messages for us to respond to: we will tell stories, dig our hands into the dirt, create dwellings for the animals and spirits of the garden, activate and train unused senses, and become more aware of ourselves and others. Some of the drawing or text-based outputs will also appear in the autumn issue of the children’s workbook, Krunýř, which is dedicated to reporting on this remarkable garden. 

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Meals: we provide lunch and afternoon snacks.

Art supplies and materials on site. 

Magda Jiřička Stojowska and the Anxiety Institute team. 

Location: Since the 1990s, the dramaturgy and administration of the students and the management of the sculpture studio of the Prague UMPRUM, and in 2021 the space began to open to the public and gradually defined a program in which ecology and art intertwine.

Recommended price: 3.500,-CZK / child. Discount of 15% for single mothers and of 15% for the second child. The contribution of 800,-CZK / child can be applied for the residents of Prague 5 and 6 thanks to the programm of the Prague 6 project “Camps of the 6” (Šestka táborová). Find out more abt the contribution and register :

After registration you will receive login details in your email. After logging in, you will see the donation menu where you will find the summer camp donations.

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Please register your children for our camp by emailing:

Contact us if you have any questions 🙂

We look forward to hearing from you!

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The event is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the City of Prague and the Municipal District of Prague 6.