QUEERING: The Sparkling Rainbow Frog

A workshop for children, their parents and friends.

30.06.2021 16:00 —30.06.2021 19:00
Park Stromovka

Kača and Miss Summer in co-operation with Just Karen invite all princes, octopuses, frogs and spidermen. Set out together with us on a journey to the unknown, through the deepest undergrowth of Stromovka, to places where you’ll learn everything about what it means to be what you truly want to be, or perhaps what you never even dreamt you might become.

The workshop has been prepared by the Institute of Anxiety within the framework of the QUEERING.AN ENDLESS NUMBER OF POTENTIAL NATURES.* programme, in which we will use elements of DRAG, i.e. an examination of gender roles by means of clothing, make-up and performance. Drag, which most often functions as a show, has the potential to emancipate from frequently constraining gender stereotypes. We view gender as a sliding scale, a broad spectrum within which we can experience a feeling of freedom, acceptance and comfort on any level. Within the framework of the workshop we will listen to music, read stories, engage with the principle of change of gender roles and offer you the opportunity to transform freely from a frog into a princess (or vice versa) and back again.

The meeting is in front of Šlechtovka with the Frog (as played by the drag queen Just Karen), from where we’ll set out through a tunnel towards an island with a raft. Here a magical transformation will await us. We’ll then relocate to the willow kingdom, where we’ll remain until the end of the workshop. See below the picture with our route.

*QUEERING. AN ENDLESS NUMBER OF POTENTIAL NATURES is a series of lectures, discussions and workshops created in co-operation with figures from the realm of activism, the exact sciences and fine arts, focusing on a search for new forms of evolutionary processes, ecological interactions and policies from the perspective of queer and feminist theory and inter-disciplinary co-operation.

Cover design (c) Marie Lukáčová

Photoreport (c) Petr Kolárčik

Supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Prague City Hall, Prague 7 City District Municipality and the State Fund of Culture.