Fairy tales for adults
It will be published from 28 March to 18 April 2019. In them, fairy tale characters (or those who pretend to be them) get into real situations: They run away from home, have health and existential problems, struggle with foreclosure and bullying, are addicted to drugs, spend a significant portion of the story in a hospital or other facility, suffer from loneliness, and experience various stressful situations, they lose limbs, which they regain with the help of magic bobs they have to travel to Venus or Mars to get, or they see a possible solution in temporarily turning into a dog – in its body they can escape faster if attacked. Fairy tales for adults end happily to the extent that the story allows.
For more information about Iveta Horváth, see the interview the Anxiety Institute published with the author on November 14, 2018.
The project is realized with the support of the City of Prague and Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.