Today, our lives are changing in ways we could not have imagined a few years ago. In a short time we faced the global health crisis, the war in Ukraine, the cascading effects of climate crises, economic austerity and instability, social fragmentation, political polarisation, large-scale human migration, and more. In terms of polarisation and fragmentation, the National Intelligence Council (NIC) in their report “Global trends 2040. A more contested world” already in 2021 suggested that rise in populism can be expected as a consequence of narratives emphasizing the division between the elites and the masses. The NIC (2021) foresees people gravitating to “information silos” with others who share similar perspectives, bolstering their beliefs and understanding of the truth. This may result in increasingly fragmented communities as “people will seek security with like-minded groups based on established and newly prominent identities.” (NIC 2021: p.1). The fragmentation into different opinion groups, social bubbles, echo-chambers, and the associated exacerbation of positions creates a social context in which educators do not dare to raise complex topics related to divisive issues due to lack of experience in creatively working pedagogically with the problems. The annual reports of the Czech School Inspection points out that teachers are often afraid to bring up certain controversial or political topics with children, either because they divide society, or because they do not have one codified interpretation, or because they do not have the appropriate tools to do so.
Experiential formats of learning that are not primarily and only based on cognitive analysis allow us to create a pedagogical space where reflection on the above-mentioned problems can happen in more innovative ways. A pedagogical process based on a complex interconnection of the emotional, social, ethical, and physical dimensions of the topics explored can develop new cognitive and affective skills, especially if it is implemented with a focus on the development of systemic and critical thinking. This project contributes to the development of such a methodological approach by combining the long-term expertise of the participating organisations into a joint approach that will be applied across a series of seminars and one summer school and will be reflected on an online platform. The following local seminars will take place in the three V4 countries and will aim at: 1) reflecting experience with social, ecological, and political crises in the middle-European context 2) discovering sources of support for the development of socio-ecological imagination in the context of the V4 societies 3) developing possibilities for dialogue across differences and polarized societies Through participation in the seminars and the summer school and by using the online platform there will be created a disseminating network of collaborating educators. The long-term consequence of their transformed teaching practice will be reflected in the impact on learners as an increase in the development of their emancipatory and civic capacities.
List of project partners:
Artemisszió Alapítvány / Artemisszió Foundation
Fundacja Digital Creators / Digital Creators Foundation
322 o.z. / 322 civic association
The project is co-financed by the governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from the International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.