Dance Queering with Tereza Silon & Zeynab Gueye

A dance workshop, that focuses on queer ecological sensibility and is intended for the general public.

27.03.2022 17:00 —21:30
ZeMě Na Louži 7, 101 00, Praha 10

Binaries are static, dance is not.

This dance workshop, featuring Tereza Silon and Zeynab Gueye and focusing on queer ecological sensibility, is intended for the general public.

Bodies learn also by imitating other bodies’ ways. In this society, their somatic expression and the way they are carried can prescribe our seeming belonging to a group, gender or sexuality. What happens when we step outside of expectations and allow ourselves to collectively occupy a space for our individual variable ways of moving and being? What if we allow people and relationships within the space we occupy to become to an extent opaque, expansive beyond the social(ized) categories that have been prescribed without any consent? And what tools does this approach require for building a more empathetic space? What is it like to feel for other bodies in space and celebrate our permeability and reciprocity, as well as our limits and boundaries? What happens when we attempt to outwit and move out of the internalized expectations that are trying to regulate our movement?

The workshop aims to create a safer and more inclusive space for different persons*, in which we gradually engage with our bodies through movement. We then dance these bodies with the awareness of their diversity and ambiguity, we connect through our sensory and empathic attunement to the collective body.

A party will follow!
A celebration of the secular mysticism of our hearts and an invitation to the ability to (not) cling to a static vision of our embodiment.

* Our personal commitment is to create an affirming space, especially for queer and trans people. Beyond identity concerns, the workshop is also open to people with various types of (dis)abilities and socially disadvantaged. The premises are not fully accessible, however some things can be taken care of. If the logistics of this matter concern you, do not hesitate to contact us and ask about possibilities and limitations.

  • reservation needed! via (please, let us know your language preference)
  • vacation of 20 people
  • free of entry (cold and warm nonalcoholic drinks included)

Tereza Silon is a performer, facilitator and bodyworker. In their interdisciplinary practice, she has long worked with embodiment and corporeality, queer perspectives, social and natural ecologies, the collective body and possibilities of creating space for generative intimacy in extractive systems. They believe that one day everyone will be able to play.

Zeynab Guye (zey) is an interdisciplinary artist. They focus mainly on artistic research, which draws upon their academic background, feminist and anti-racist practice, as well as on Djing and their long-term love of dance.

This event is a part of the long-term program QUEERING. AN ENDLESS NUMBER OF POTENTIAL NATURES organized by the Institute of Anxiety. It aims to stimulate inter-disciplinary collaborations to focus on a search for new forms of evolutionary processes, ecological interactions and policies from the perspective of queer and feminist theory.

Graphics (c) Marie Lukáčová

Photodocumentaction (c) Ida Tausch

This event is realized as a part of the project QUEERING. AN ENDLESS NUMBER OF POTENTIAL NATURES with a support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Prague City Hall and the State Fund of Culture.