News from the WOODs
A dairy of news from the forest and meadow.

WOODs / Community for Cultivation, Theory and Art
The forest news is a window into the Woods, what happens there when we are present and the others are not.
13 September 2020
The WOODS have water.
The well is 76 m deep, the water is crystal clear, free of nitrite and other pollution, and the spring is strong. The drilling went very smoothly, perm is the local subsoil, sand from the surface to the bottom. Next time you arrive, we will baptise the forest well together!
We thank our geologist, Ms. Hájková, who takes care of the successful course of the drilling.

2 September 2020
Thanks to Michal, Petra, Lukáš and other rescuers, WOODS gave life and a new home to another 15 hens from battery cages. We also thank adoptive families from the vicinity of the Podorlicko WOODS!

4 July 2020
Thanks to Michal, Lukáš and other rescuers, WOODS gave life and a new home to 33 hens from battery cages. We also thank adoptive families from the vicinity of the Podorlicko WOODS!

14 April 2020
Beavers on the pond
It looked like the coronavirus would be the second bark beetle! Indecipherable security reports from the government and municipalities started to penetrate the first sunny days of quarantine in the forest, where an unprecedented number of people, trapped at home, go to walk, run, ride bicycles and horses. The reports were soon drowned in the daily whirr of saws from all corners of the surrounding forests. Men with machines preventively extract spruces. Finally, the winter rest is ending together with the mining season. Hopefully some spruces will remain here. New lumberjacks have at least a different appetite and their activities, unlike those of humans, contribute to water retention in the landscape.

14 April 2020
Birch tree
Ask the birch tree in the spring to give you sap. But only in moderation, through one thin hole.

3 April 2020
Today, there is a climate strike according to Fridays for Future Online, and a leaf day according to Marie Thunová’s seeding calendar, the moon is in front of the constellation of Cancer and the water element rules. So plant a salad in the garden, on the balcony or behind the window, in the Woods by the chicken coop it was planted by the hens saved from factory farms. After spending the winter holidays in villages, they will come to harvest it next week. Join the strike before you leave your computer :).

WOODS – Community for Cultivation, Theory and Art
Forest and meadow plot between the villages of Hnátnice and Písečná, Orlické Mountains