Millions of Years Interspecies Biography: Workshop for Children
We invite you to a guided walk and workshop for children, where together we will be able to travel back in time 435 million years.

Společnost pro ochranu Prokopského a Dalejského údolí Prokopské údolí 748, 152 00 Praha 5-Jinonice
We invite you to a guided walk and workshop for children, where together we will be able to travel back in time 435 million years.
What stories do we know about the origin of the world? Which ones do we learn about in school, which ones do we believe, and which ones would we welcome as part of deepening our biography – shaping or disrupting our identity?
There are a great many different ideas about the origin of life, but a clear answer is hampered by the fact, among other things, that no fossils from the earliest periods have survived, and even the simplest modern organisms are probably much more complex than early living cells. Join us as we travel back in time 435 million years to consider the possibilities of interspecies relationships, meet those who have lived here and look at how we are connected to them and how they are still present in our bodies.
We will meet in the Prokop Valley with theatre director and dramaturgist Magda Jiřička Stojowska and geology expert Aneta Formáčková.
Magda Jiřička Stojowska is a theatre director and dramaturgist. Her work focuses on themes related to intergenerational relations, the position of diverse groups in society, and especially children, whose imagination and playfulness she works with in most of her projects. She is also a co-founder of the KC Nesedím, susedím na Břevnov, where she is involved in dramaturgy and organization.
Aneta Formáčková graduated from the Faculty of Science of Charles University. As part of her doctoral studies, she specialized in paleontology and stratigraphy – scientific disciplines that investigate the evolution of life on Earth based on fossilized remains of animals and plants and the possibility of using them to determine the age of sedimentary (deposited) rocks. She is currently working at the Czech Geological Survey, where she is mainly concerned with sedimentary rocks from the Cretaceous period and with mapping the geological subsoil in the field.
The Society for the Protection of the Prokop and Dalej Valleys is a civic association founded in 1991 with the aim of taking care of the condition of the Prokop and Dalej Valleys Natural Park and its surroundings. The activities of the society include: running an information base, organizing events for the general public, providing ecological expertise and consultations, amphibian protection, running a children’s farm, caring for injured animals, and specific conservation work in the natural park.
The event is part of the series Living Outside Their Names, which aim to bring children closer to the world of animals, plants, mushrooms and other more-than-human inhabitants of our world, to think together about more meaningful and sensitive possibilities of our coexistence.
In Czech language. Refreshments and materials for creation will be provided. Free admission.
You are welcome with the whole family.
Supported by Magistrátem hl. města Prahy, Ministerstvem kultury a Státním fondem kultury ČR.