M³ Festival / Art in Space: INVISIBLE CITY

A pilot event of the Festival m³ / Art in the space of the “Paradise Garden” (Rajská zahrada) in Prague 14.

Prague 14

For the pilot event, we are preparing an art and music workshop for children and adults, a happening in the park, a street workshop and guided walks with art, science and education guides.

On October 14, 2023, you can look forward to a half-day of exploratory activities in the Garden of Eden prepared by the architectural studio MAK!, the Laundry Collective, artists Tereza Silon, Martina Drozd Smutná and Eliška Fialová, and the music collective Synth Library.

All the information about the ongoing programme can be found at the CK Ráj stand of the MAK! architectural collective, which can be found in front of the Rajská zahrada metro station.

The pilot event of the INVISIBLE CITY festival is curated by the team of the Institute of Anxiety at the invitation of the m3 / Art in Space Festival.


(MAK architectural collective!)
Get to know your surroundings accompanied by expert guides. Get to know it as you don’t know it yet. Or rather, you know it but don’t attach importance to it… You can enjoy the issues of the city through the eyes of animals, children, plants, the elderly, water, mothers and fathers, trees and mushrooms… All this through the themes of urban settlement, urban greenery, art in public space, technological infrastructure, local history, social geography.
Walks from the Rajská zahrada metro station:
2PM Normalisation, the 1990s and the present in the housing estate (Petr Zeman)
4PM Parade through the urban wilderness, with a surprise (Alžběta Procházková, Kateřina Vídenová, Adam Wlazel)

◼️ Garden of Eden, private and communal
(Martina Drozd Smutná & Eliška Fialová)
Creative painting workshop with a walk around the area:
1.30 – 5.30PM Children and Youth House Prague 9
Martina Drozd Smutná and Eliška Fialová will prepare an art workshop for children, through which they and the residents of the neighbourhood will “tell stories about life in the Garden of Eden” and collect motifs for a mural to be painted there next year.

◼️ Sensual/sensual collective embodied herbalism and vocal ecological incantations
(Teresa Silon)
1 – 3.30PM Meeting at the CK Ráj stand in front of the Rajská zahrada metro station
A gathering facilitating collective physical practice, learning and sharing about and with plants.

◼️ Sloky mezi paneláky
(Synth Library – Mobile Music Recording Studio)
Children and Youth House Prague 9
2PM Opening the mobile studio, trying out new instruments and microphones
3PM Performance by singer and rapper Jemah
3.30PM We continue creating lyrics, beats and recording until at least 17:00

◼️ Channel Press
(Laundry Collective)
1.30 – 7PM Near the CK Ráj stand
Kolektiv Prádelna is preparing for you a workshop called Channel Prints. Members of the Laundry Collective meet regularly to write, draw or make films, and together they try to fight against the stereotypical portrayal of people in social need. Aranka, Balu, Monika, Magda, Linda and Helena invite you to a workshop where they will show you how they create t-shirts that they print on the streets of Prague. You will be able to create your own t-shirt on the spot!

The project is realized with the support of the City of Prague, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the Municipality of Prague 7 and the State Fund for Culture.